a close up of a white wall with wavy lines


  1. School Management reserves to itself the right to dismiss students under following circumstances: Students who do not show satisfactory improvement in their studies/ who fail repeatedly even after all the possible efforts have been made.

  2. Students who are habitually irregular (late attendance, absent, incomplete home work, careless etc.).

  3. Students who constantly cause disciplinary problems.

  4. Students who have behavioural problems and whose presence is detrimental to other students.

  5. Students whose Parents do not show interest in children's all- round development and academic growth by not checking the home work, not attending important meetings and functions, not showing interest in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, not paying the fees on time, not co-operating with the school authority in the matters of discipline and smooth functioning of the school etc.

  6. If parents/guardians or students use any form of social, electronic or print media to criticize any decision or action ofthe school which may have the potential to damage the reputation of the school.

  7. If guardians/parents join any forum in any agitation / demonstration for the purpose of forcing the school authorities in support of any demand, contrary to the rules & regulations of the school.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding school policies on withdrawal, admission, and absences, please fill out the form below.