a close up of a white wall with wavy lines

Leave of Absence/ Medical leave

  1. No one who is late or has been absent on the previous day will be admitted to the class without the permission of the Principal / Administrator.

  2. All students must be present on the last working day before any vacation and the first day after the vacation. And also, al students must be present on important days like Annual Concert, Teacher's Day, Children's Day, Sport's day etc Defaulters will be fined Rs. 200/- or more per day. Specified dates are mentioned in the dairy calendar. Those absent because of sickness must inform the school before or on the reopening day and the parents must produce a medical certificate before they are admitted to the class, failing which they too must pay the above penalty.

  3. Except in the case of unforeseen ilness, prior permission must be sought from the Principal for any absence from the school, A medical certificate must be produced with a note from the parent for any sick leave and should be marked in the calendar.

  4. For leave of absence for a day, it is sufficient to apply through the pages of the school diary. Parents may also apply online application for the above-mentioned period through the official school email.

  5. For leave of absence for more than 2 days a prior permission of the Principal is required. Parents must come personally to seek this permission with a written application.

  6. Every absence (Sick leave or otherwise) must be entered briefly in the NON-ATTENDANCE AND ABSENCE RECORD in the school diary and signed by the parent or guardian.

  7. Parents are discouraged to take their wards from school on working days for family functions or other social gatherings. For marriage within the family one day's leave is granted as a rule. For this prior sanction is needed. Withdrawal of a child from classes for mere social functions is not recommendedbecause it retards the child's progress in school and minimizes his/her respect for regular hard work, with consequent failure of progress in his/her studies.

  8. Half day leave for family functions or doctor's appointment will only be sanctioned if the parent himself/herself comes to school and takes his/her ward along him/her. No student will be allowed to leave the school campus during the school hours without the consent of the parent.

  9. A student who is absent for more than 10 consecutive days without the written information to the Principal is presumed to have left the school. Re-admission if granted will be done on payment of the usual admission fee only.

  10. If a student is absent on day when there is a class test/unit test, no re-test will be conducted for them later.

  11. The responsibility to cover the lessons and homework missed due to absence lies solely with the student /Parent.

Contact Information

For inquiries regarding school policies on withdrawal, admission, and absences, please fill out the form below.