Our expections from parents

  1. Parents are the primary educators and so St. Xavier's School expects all our parents to be a role-model to their childrens.

  2. Parents must teach self-discipline to the students with their own example and help the school authorities to attain that aim. Therefore all the parents are requested to co-operate in the working of the school by enforcing discipline and evincing interest in your children.

  3. Parents are expected to extent maximum encouragement to your children to participate in school activities.

  4. Parents are expected to encourage their children in forming good social habits, civic habits, study habits, reading habits and so on.

  5. Punctuality and regularity are two essential qualities for effective education. These two qualities should be cultivated in your wards right from the beginning. Do not let your ward take leave from school for flimsy reasons. See that your ward reaches the school daily well in time and they travel safely to and fro. School starts at 8:30 a.m., with the first bell. Students must reach school latest by 8.25 a.m. The school gates will be closed by 8.30 am. Disciplinary action will be taken against those who come to school habitually late. The school will not be responsible for the safety and security of students after the school hours.

  6. All parents/guardians must ensure that their wards complete their projects/home assignments on time. The Parents daily must check the school diary / bag/ books/ registers of their ward to ensure that all works are completed on time.

  7. Parents must ensure that your ward brings the School Diary to school every day. Fill in the details of your ward on the front as well as the first inside page of the School Diary. You must sign messages, progress reports, absence record or other similar documents when requested to do so, to avoid putting your child through any inconvenience.

  8. Parents are expected to attend all PTMs and functions organized by the School without fail, especially when their ward is not performing well in academics. Failure to attendthese PTMs will reflect your lack of interest in your ward's progress.

  9. We expect all Xaverians to be very SMART. Make sure that your ward is well groomed. He/ She should take bath daily, dress Up neatly in complete school uniform and comb his/her hair properly. (For all these he/she should be woken up Well in advance before starting for school) See to it that his/her are trimmed frequently. No long/polished nails all er nal allowed S school. Boys should trim their hair once in three weeks at least We strictly prohibit the boys from going for any stylish haircut The Parents of such boys will be called to school and they should ensure that their ward iS given a proper hair cut before he is allowed to attend class.

  10. Train your ward to become self-dependent and take up the responsibility of his/her life gradually. He/ She should be taught how to dress up on his/her own, polish the shoes, te the knot of the school tie. He/ She should get the school bag. uniform, shoes etc. ready on the previous night so that the morning rush can be avoided.

  11. Students coming to school with mehandi on their hands is not permitted generally; but on special occasions like marriage in the family, it will be allowed with prior sanction from the Principal or Administrator. Colouring of hair is not at all permitted in school.

  12. Parents must make sure that your ward comes to schodl wearing the prescribed uniform which is neat and clean. Each student is expected to possess at |east two sets of regular uniform and house uniforms each.

  13. Wearing properschool uniform as per the direction is a must." any student is not wearing he appropriate school unifor /school shoes, having the proper size or if he/she is slovenly dressed, the parents will be called to school and will be asked to take their ward from school on the day. Uniforms of other shades are not allowed in the school.

  14. Tight fitting trousers for boys and girls are not allowed in school. Parents should see that the students, especially the senior school students don't alter their trousers to make them skinnytight.

  15. Cleanliness is next to Godliness', All parents must educate 15. their wards on how to keep their environment clean. The parents should not only set an example in this by keeping their surroundings clean but also engage their wards in keeping the house clean and tidy.

  16. Train your ward how to keep his/her room tidy, make his/her own bed and maintain cleanliness at home. Inculcate the need for cleanliness early in the life of your ward.

  17. Parents are expected to provide healthy and nutritious food at home and especially in the Tiffin-box. "Junk Food" of any kind is not allowed in the School.

  18. Due to security concerns, kindly avoid sending tiffin to your ward through servants or even personally during the school hours, because the school authorities may not always be able to ascertain the identity of the person who brings food to school.

  19. Parents must take care of the health and hygiene of your wards with regular medical check-ups. There must be routine Dental Care, eye check-up, de-warming, vaccines etc

  20. Keep your ward at home if he/she is suffering from contagious diseases like mumps, measles chickenpox, small pox, whooping cough, conjunctivitis and send him/her to school only when fully cured and a doctor's fitness certificate is a must when the child returns to school.

  21. School is responsible for the first aide treatment only in case of any injuries /accidents. Any expensive/ prolonged treatment/ accidental cases must be done by parents at their expense. It is recommended that their ward must have a proper medical insurance to meet such emergencies.

  22. In the event of a student falling sick during the school hours the parent will be asked to come to school and take him/her home, NO student who is unwell will be allowed to leave for home alone.

  23. Do a surprise check of your ward's school bag to ensure that it is clean and tidy. Please see that there are no unnecessary alone. items kept in it. Students are not allowed to bring to school any books other than schoolbooks/library books any type of literature / games articles which is not related to the curriculum.

  24. Kindly ensure that your ward packs the school bag with his/her school diary/books/notebooks/pen/pencil box as per the daily school time table only, so that school bag is not overloaded and the child doesn't have to carry a heavy bag to school.

  25. Parents must regularly check their ward's progress in class. Parents may see the concerned teacher with due permission from the Principal / Administrator during the Lunch break only. They are not to go to the class directly or cause any sort of disturbance.

  26. Parents must maintain a proper dress code while visiting the school.

  27. Parents/Visitors must refrain from visiting the restricted areas without the permission of the person-in-charge such as staff room, class room, etc.

  28. Parents/Guardians/Visitors are not allowed to enter the classrooms and meet their wards during the school hours. In case of an emergency, contact your ward through the School office.

  29. Parents must not interact with other students, teaching and non-teaching staff without permission.

  30. Parents and visitors are expected to treat everyone in the school camnpus with respect and dignity. Cordial greetings and wishing each other with smile and politeness is encouraged and expected.

  31. Parents must not do any favours or give gifts to any staff members for they might be interpreted as bribes.

  32. There is a ZERO TOLERANCE to all kinds of addictions because it has a formative value for students. Parents are advised to provide good example to their wards by restraining from such harmful substances. Addiction of any kind (Supari, Khaini, Gutkha, Tobacco, Pan, Smoking, Alcohol, Drug etc.) is strictly prohibited in the school campus. Parents /visitors are not welcomed / not entertained while they are under the influence of such substances. Parents will be asked to withdraw their wards if their wards are found in possession or consuming such substances.

  33. Parents must encourage their wards to partake in all co- curricular activities such as Yoga, Karate, Sports, Music, Dance, Drama, Computers, Debate, Quiz and so on. They are as important as academic activities for the all-round development of a student. No student is exempted from such activities.

  34. Students who get involved in cheating, stealing, forging, ragging, violence, destruction, addiction or any other misbehavior will be dealt with very seriously. Parents will be held responsible to pay for all the damages caused to the persons / property by their wards. In extreme cases parents will be asked to withdraw their wards.

  35. Students are not allowed to take tuition from the teachers of SXS. Those found taking tuitions from our school teachers will be dismissed from the school.

  36. Parents are not allowed to take their wards after the Unit Test.

  37. Parents must do all the business with the school on school working days and during the office hours only.

  38. Parents are encouraged to give suggestions for improvement and voice their grievances, if any, directly to the school authority.

  39. Parents must pay all the fees on time and should not be defaulters. Clearence of all dues for the whole year a 39. prerequisite for appearing in the annual examination.

  40. Avoid criticism of your ward's teacher/s and the school in his/her presence because it will lead to the child disrespecting the teacher, with the consequent failure of him/her learning from the teacher. Ultimately the child will refuse to learn the subject taught by the respective teacher. If you have legitimate complaint, kindly meet the Principal/Administrator, without fear of reprisal.

  41. Parents of Class 10 & 12 students must ensure that their ward 41. appears for the Pre-Board examinations. Clearing the Pre- Board with 40% in all subjects is mandatory for getting the Admit Card for the Board Examinations.

  42. Mobile phones are banned at alltimes in the School Campus. It will be confiscated and will not be returned at all.